Monday, March 22, 2010

A Cloudy Day

It is a cloudy day out today,it looks like it might rain. I got to sleep in this morning, it was wonderful, eventually I had to get up to eat. I have 4 more weeks of this pregnancy left. Yesterday night I was feeling like I needed some fresh air, so I went and walked at the track, I did a couple of laps in 15 minutes, then I went over to a friends house for a few minutes, and headed over to Pattys to talk about Visiting Teaching. I had a good evening and my mom invited us to go to Conference with them on Sunday the 4th and then Easter dinner. A lot is going next month, Easter, Leah's Birthday, and a new baby. The Dentist told Ben that we need to start weening Mike from his pacifier, I said, not yet, not with a new baby coming, he's going to need it, but we are trying to only give it to him to sleep, he's doing pretty well.

We are heading to the Post Office and then to the library. Did I mention that Ben got a calling as assistant Scout Master, he's so excited and since Eric will be going into scouts in May it's a good idea. The only problem I had with it was that I am the Activity Days assistant, and they are the same night at the same time, go figure. We figure though, if they want us they will let us do every other week, we'll see how it goes.

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